Our mission is to document Nature and create a community of passionate professionals and amateurs who will enjoy together all the discoveries along the way.

We look at Nature with respect and admiration, but also with awe, for all that is lost under our footsteps. We owe Nature our contribution and believe in "Discover, Document and Protect!". The core of our development is a database - NDOR, dedicated to Biodiversity, and a suite of software applications that interact with it in the KLADOS online system. Together they make up the mybiOSis "ecosystem".

Read our story

About NDOR

The mybiosis.info project has been in development for over 20 years and aims to create an innovative online Nature Digital Object Repository (NDOR) focused on inventorying and monitoring species and habitats. This biodiversity resource represents a groundbreaking advancement in Romania, offering a wide range of features. However, this environment does not stop at these geographical limits. NDOR houses meticulously documented organism images, occurrence observations, scientific literature references, vernacular names, special statuses of species (derived from published Red Lists, Habitats and Birds directives, and alien invasive species reports), as well as illustrations depicting plant associations, habitats, and landscapes, among other valuable content.

At present, the taxonomic and geographic reach of NDOR is global, enabling it to effectively manage and provide information on species from any location across the globe. This wide-ranging scope ensures that the infrastructure is capable of handling and delivering comprehensive data on species from all corners of the world.

Through the NGO myNature Association, mybiosis.info is designated as a focal point for Romania within the Pan-European Species directories Infrastructure (PESI) (http://www.eu-nomen.eu/portal/). This recognition opens up possibilities for enhanced collaboration and interaction with the European taxonomic authoritative resources (http://www.eu-nomen.eu/portal/urls.php), fostering greater connectivity and access to valuable taxonomic information at the European level.

Introduction to kladOS a mybiOSis Toolkit

The mybiOSis toolkit, known as kladOS, provides access to the NDOR (Natural Diversity Observation Repository) within an interactive online environment. Unlike typical websites, kladOS offers a unique user interface inspired by popular desktop operating systems like Windows, Mac, or Linux. This familiarity ensures an intuitive experience for users who can seamlessly navigate a variety of web applications consolidated within a single interface. The flexible nature of kladOS caters to the distinct requirements of different projects and user types.

Key Features of kladOS

kladOS distinguishes itself through the following key features:

  • Familiarity: The user interface resembles that of well-known computer operating systems, allowing users to navigate effortlessly without requiring extensive explanations.

  • Flexibility: The toolkit's organization allows for a highly customizable user environment, adapting to individual interests and preferences.

  • Scalability: The chosen interface can accommodate an extensive range of applications and functions, ensuring limitless tool and feature integration.

  • Integration: The mybiOSis toolkit serves as a versatile platform, making it ideal for shared resources across various projects and contexts, reducing resource duplication and maintenance efforts.

Advancements in the Current Version

The latest version of kladOS offers several distinctive features, including:

  • Application Memory: The system remembers and reloads open applications, ensuring a seamless work continuation.

  • Window Preferences: User preferences for window size and position are remembered, eliminating the need for constant adjustments.

  • Project Views (PVs): A new feature allows each PV to have its own desktop background, banner, and title, catering to different projects hosted by mybiosis.info.

  • Direct PV Access: Users can log in directly to specific PVs, and customization remains possible through the integration of application icons.

Enhancing User Experience

These enhancements provide a personalized and tailored experience within the mybiosis.info environment, empowering users to efficiently manage applications and project-specific needs while maintaining customization and control.

Scope Expansion

Initially focused on digitizing occurrence observations and phenotypic information, mybiOSis has expanded its scope to include tools for taxonomic identification, map generation, project data management, scientific literature handling, web interfaces, and mobile data collection.

Continued Growth

The mybiOSis toolkit is designed to accommodate new projects and functionalities, ensuring its adaptability to evolving needs and emerging initiatives.

Integration of Water Quality Assessment tools

An important milestone was the integration of water quality assessment tools through the UBA project, further enhancing mybiOSis capabilities.

Specialized Interaction Tools

mybiOSis features specialized tools for member interaction, including real-time activity tracking, discussion forums, and seamless integration with Facebook for login and digital object dissemination. These tools promote cohesion among participants and maintain quality control of digital objects.

Enhancing Collaboration

The mybiOSis environment fosters collaboration, knowledge sharing, and quality assurance within the biodiversity and taxonomy domain, enhancing project productivity and task efficiency.


album: Parcul Naţional Retezat - Lacul Galeş şi Porţile Închise

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