Adorian Ardelean
Adorian Ardelean
administrator, references editor, taxonomist, ani cvr, developer, top contributor, translator

Two new maps in taxon details: EEA and UTM grids

06 January, 2017
news myNature blog

Two new map types can be opened in taxon details module. To see these maps open the taxon details module by clicking on a species name and scroll the page to the distribution map. Click on button labeled "3" to display the distribution of species as European Environment Agency (EEA) reference grid and button labelled "4" to display the distribution of species as UTM grid. The maps are built dynamically.

Taxon details module with the distribution map. Buttons "3" and "4" load grid maps.

Distribution of Campanula sibirica in mybiOSis database depicted as EEA 10km grid (taxon details link as of 6-Jan-2017).

Distribution of Marrubium peregrinum in mybiOSis database depicted as UTM 10km grid (taxon details link as of 6-Jan-2017).